A Wisconsin Landscaping Company Connects with Little Buck Loader for JD x728

Growing up in a family landscaping business, Robert Engel spent summers and after school helping his dad and brothers, and quickly grew to love working outdoors in nature.

So when he launched his own company, Engel Landscaping, in 2016, Engel was ready to provide a variety of services even in the punishing extremes of Wisconsin’s seasons.

Looking for an affordable yet reliable bucket for his John Deere x728, he found Little Buck Loader online, and it was a match made in heaven!

“I would rate Little Buck Loader as a great prosumer piece -- heavier duty than a lot of residential equipment but not as heavy as a dingo. For me, the pluses are quick speed (Deere can get up to 8.5mph, but a dingo only 4 mph), a low ground pressure being on a riding tractor, and great capacity for size, said Engel.”

With an ever-expanding portfolio of often grueling work, Engel is pleased that his Little Buck is up to the task. “I’ve loaded 6x6 timbers into a dump trailer, 4 yards of gravel into an F350, and moved about 50 yards of mulch, 35 yards of dirt, and 15 yards of stone to various locations. I would say the biggest benefit is being able to get into tight areas with minimal clearance. I was able to squeeze into a 52” opening in a gate and moved 3 yards of dirt and graded it in about a 1.5 hours. I wouldn’t have been able to do that in that short of time with a wheelbarrow and shovel!

After putting his Little Buck Loader through its paces, Engel reached out about getting a new wear bar, and was happy to see that the customer service on which we pride ourselves extended beyond the original sale of the loader.

We look forward to seeing Engels continue to grow his business and are grateful he’s chosen Little Buck Loader to help!


Mulch Day with Little Buck Loader for JD 322