Mulch Day with Little Buck Loader for JD 322

Timothy and his son Eric spent a beautiful Easter morning moving mulch at Timothy’s home in Pleasantville, PA. Timothy had purchased a loader for his John Deere 322 a few weeks earlier, and immediately put it through its paces!

“I’ve found the Little Buck Loader to be a versatile attachment and it has saved an enormous amount of time, and I’m sure aching body parts since I’ve owned it,” said Timothy. It has also saved his yard from the damage, as he said, “we have a couple of gardens so bringing in mulch from where it is dumped [prevents] the trucks from damaging my yards. I had 10 yards of topsoil delivered to fill in holes and depressions and cover tree roots and it was great to have the Little Buck Loader to bring the dirt in, dump, and spread it. I didn’t have to do much hand work when I finished.”

Since purchasing his Little Buck Loader, Timothy has found new and diverse applications for the aftermarket bucket.

“If you are considering buying one, I would say that using it for moving materials is its forte and having the ability to dump into a pickup truck or over a trailer-side is a huge advantage of a loader at this price point. The ease of attaching and detaching it makes it easy to use even if you weren’t expecting to, no tools necessary to get it on and off! I would absolutely recommend a Little Buck Loader for those situations, he said.”

Since the Mulch Day video, Timothy said that he’s used his Little Buck on numerous and unexpected projects, such as moving and hauling his trailer frame to where he could work on it, then using it to lift the side of the trailer frame where he could rest it and work under it.

“I used it to receive a load that was on a semi-trailer that couldn’t have been delivered to my home without it. I use it to carry mower decks and other attachments and can use it to mount them onto my other garden tractors. Since I put the tooth bar on it, I’ve dug around a few stumps allowing me to remove them with either the bucket or using my truck. I also used it to lift another John Deere 322 so that I could thoroughly clean the frame before doing mechanical restoration on it. I used it to recover my snowblowing tractor which got stuck and by using the bucket hook with a strap, I was able to leverage the other machine out of the place where it was stuck,” said Timothy.

Looking towards the future, Timothy’s son Eric (the first operator on the video) wants to expand and add another garden so that their Little Buck Loader will get to do much more spring mulch work. “We are planning on putting up better fencing around the gardens; our Little Buck Loader will be carrying materials to the various locations where they will be installed,” he said.

“I would say that my favorite thing about the LBL is that it does more than I anticipated it would and I’m still finding uses for it all the time,” said Timothy.


Tips for Maintaining Your Little Buck Loader for John Deere 425, 445, 455, and X-Series


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